Online Poker on the Up and Up
Not to downplay the continuing success of online gaming in general, but online poker has entered a league of its own. Since its "humble" beginnings, when daily earnings hovered around the $100,000 mark, the online poker industry has continued to grow and prosper, raking in profits of $2 million every day. Online poker's annual growth has been pegged at 100 percent, and internet poker rooms have been frequented by including Leonardo diCaprio, James Woods and Ben Affleck, the likes of whom are not necessarily in need of the "quick cash." As CEO of games-related services developer Ongame, famed for its site, Patrick Selin is reaping the benefits of the online poker boom. The site has been leaping from success to success since it first appeared in 1999, at that time a play-money only site. It's his view that online poker is easier, faster and less intimidating than the face-to-face version. These features, in turn, make it a popular option for the average player. Whatever the reason, online poker's success is uncontestable and indeed, unrelenting.
Source: Poker777 Staff
Monday, 07 February 2005
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