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   Monday, January 20 2025 
Casino Joa of La Seyne, scheduled to open before the end of year celebrations

The construction of the casino Joa on the site Naval of Seyne-sur-Mer advances rapidly. The responsible of this casino planned to open this establishment for the mid of December and they work hardly for maintaining this goal that they had fixed. Now the site is still in construction, but it is already possible to distingue the different locals of the building: the parking, the reception, the room shows, playroom, the technical locals and the two restaurants. The setting out of water and out of air will be effectuate in the mid of September if we considerate the evolution of the site. The great deal is upstairs at the top of the establishment, which is supposed to receive the place of restoration. After this first step, the construction will continue with the technical finishing mainly the electrical equipment for slots machines, the lighting, the room shows. The arrangement of counters, bars, restaurants and kitchens is expected in October.

According to the director of the casino Joa of La Seyne, Dylan Peyras, the opening is schedule on September 17th in order to prepare the end of year celebrations if the contruction do not meet technical problems or bad weather. Even if the site is not yet in its technical finishing, Joa plans hiring campaign for next week. In addition of the fifty employees who will turn temporary the casino, the casino operator plans to hire about forty people in the post of cookers, bartenders, waiters, croupiers and security officers. A meeting is scheduled on September 2 in the "Pôle emploi La Seyne" to present the different posts that they proposed. For the post of croupiers, a module developed by "Pôle emploi" will enable to evaluate the candidates before sending applicants selected for training at the school game of Joa.

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