The Season VIs final stop is run at Meskwaki Casino in Iowa - MSPT
The latest stop rounding out the Mid-States Poker Tour (MSPT) Season VI will be held at Meskwaki Casino in Tama, Iowa (USA). Scheduled to kick off this Saturday July 18, the menu includes a panel of qualifying events, satellites and the eagerly anticipated $ 1,100 buy-in Main Event. The latter will begin on July 24. This poker tournament actually guarantees a whopping prize pool of $ 300,000. According to MSPT operator Bryan Mileski, the MSPT Meskwaki stop has always been a smashing success. A number of Iowas big names, namely poker pros Jeff Fielder and Blair Hinkle are among the regular participants there-in. Recall that the MSPTs penultimate stop run at Venetian Casino attracted 1,964 entrants with Angelina Rich grabbing the top prize.
It remains to be seen if that of Meskwaki happens to beat such a high occupancy rate. It is also worth mentioning that the previous (in March) MSPT tournament held at Meskwaki seduced 371 players. The champion, Chad Willett, was awarded $ 96,760 of prize. Speaking of the upcoming MSPT Meskwaki Main Event, it holds three starting days with 14 levels of play each. Interestingly enough, the final day, which is projected to start on Sunday, July 26, will be live televised. Battling it out would be those who successfully make it through that ultimate round. Alongside these qualifiers and the champions battle, the MSPT Meskwaki schedule includes other luring Side Events, the likes of the $ 110 Bonus Event NLHE and the $ 65 Multi-table Super Satellite.
Source: James WILLIAMS
Friday, 17 July 2015
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