Online poker reels in April despite table games success - New Jersey
New Jerseys online poker industry is currently in downswing. The latest report saw figures that fell short to what the state has expected since the industrys regulation. To stop the bleeding, a sustainable solution should be found in the shortest time possible. Actually, New Jerseys online poker is suffering from a 23.4% of revenue drop to $ 1.98 million in April 2015 against $ 2.59 million a year earlier. While online poker is shrinking in New Jersey, revenue from table games has increased by 21.2% during the same period. It rose from $ 8.8 million to $ 10.7 million . In fact, the New Jersey latest gaming revenue report showed that table games was getting well in April, contrary to the overall i-gaming industry which dropped by 3.5% compared to the previous month. The aformentioned report underligned that NJs internet-based gaming shrank from $ 13.15 million to $ 12.69 million in revenue.
On month-over-month basis, Caesars experienced the toughest drop with 13% down to $ 2.45 million. Caesars actually lost almost 20% of its monthly revenue in April. Tropicana is the months second biggest loser with 10% drop to $ 2.73 million, followed by Borgata with $ 3.99 million (-4.88%). Indeed, the month of April was a gloomy one for those three gaming giants. As for Resorts and Golden Nugget, the two gambling establishments respectively saw a whopping revenue increase of 27.58% to $ 212,739, and 10.38% to $ 3.3 million.
Source: Oliver JOHNSON
Friday, 15 May 2015
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