The first hearing supported - California
As expected, the Assembly discussed on Monday a hearing that will see online poker regulation in California. Recall that it was the first of the four hearings on the table of discussion. AB 431, a bill submitted by Assembly Member Adam Gray, was the main focus of the hearing. It was unanymously supported by the committee. In any case, the passing of the bill does not necessarily mean that all conditions are now met for ipoker regulation in California. Nevertheless, it can be considered as a great step forwards into what Californian poker commity has long craved for. Of course, a refusal would have been lethal for all hope of online poker regulation in the Golden State.
A number of groups actually launched lobbyings to oppose to internet-based poker in California. With the first hearing being supported, their attempt is now a failure. Over the past six years, it is the first time that such proposal has gained support from Californias political figures. Thus, huge is now the possibility for the industrys regulation in the State, said Global Poker Index President, Alexandre Dreyfus. Three other hearings alike are scheduled to take place this coming weeks. If every hearing receives a thumb up, we can expect that the core bill could be passed this year. After all, this California-made initiative will certainly influenced online gambling regulation at the federal level a year shy of the imminent elections.
Source: Jack SMITH
Thursday, 30 April 2015
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