The State is ready to regulate online poker - Washington
According to reliable sources, Washington would be the next US State to legalize online poker. This news has come as a surprise since Washington State has always described (explicitly) such online gambling as a felony. With a new bill on the table of discussion, the 2006 law that prohibits e-poker gambling is sure to die. Actually, lawmakers in Washington have a different view on this matter since other States, including New Jersey, Nevada and Delaware; have successfully made a great leap into regulating online poker market. Last week, the bill named HB 1114 was pre-filed for introduction by Representative Sherry Appleton. It would amend the 2006 law on e-gambling. Note that this new bill owes its birth to the hard work undertaken by Curtis Woodard and the Washington Internet Poker Initiative.
Indeed, the controversial 2006 law has to disappear. Oddly, the State allows Washington State residents to play poker in Tribal casinos while considering them felons when they gamble online, on other poker rooms operated outside the State. Any way, the HB 1114 will legalize and regulate online poker market within the State while ensuring an effective protection of consumers. As a poker-only bill, the ruling of the HB 1114 is up to the goodwill of the Washington State Gambling Commission. This proposed law includes some key points stating two levels of licensing, one related to B2B and one for B2C. The bill also highlights No obvious bad actor clause. It is worth mentioning that the cost of regulation will be drawn from licensing fees whereas due taxes are determined by the Commission.
Source: James WILLIAMS
Monday, 12 January 2015
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