Online poker market is flourishing - Spain
Online poker market in Spain is doing well, according to the Dirección General de Ordenación del Juego (DGOJ). The Spanish gaming regulation authority, the equivalent of Frances ARJEL, recently released its Q3 report on poker market in the country; the figures actually show great hope with its upward trend, contrary to what is found in other European countries, including France and Italy. Statistics mentioned on the report demonstrate that Spains online poker market is on the right path. Indeed, poker tournament activity continues its remarkable rise while cash games has significantly declined compared to the previous quarter. Poker tournament remains the market spearhead in Spain with an encouraging 50% rise in the third quarter to stand at +57% annually. The same report published by the DGOJ also confirms a promising bullish trend on live tournament attendance: 156,000 individuals in Q3 against 120,000 in the previous one.
Spains online poker market has generated 528.43 million in the third quarter whilst the previous three-month period had 512.45 million, an increase of 3.12%. Nevertheless, it undergoes a slight drop of 0.13% on a year-on-year basis ( 529.13 million in the third quarter of 2013). Speaking of casino market, things are getting worse with 15% of revenue drop, from 364.09 million in Q2 2014 to 308, 11 million in the third quarter. Sports betting is currently holding the biggest share of Spains online gambling with 54% of the market whereas poker secures 28%.
Source: Oliver JOHNSON
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
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