Online poker: Towards cash sharing between Italy and Spain
The willingness of European gambling regulatory commissions to establish a single market for poker and other online gambling is in the way to become a reality following the statement made by Enrique Alejo, the director of the Dirección General de Juego del Ordenación (DGOJ), the Spanish online gambling regulator. In September, Enrique Alejo talked about a possible share of market liquidity between Spain and Italy. France is also interested by this commitment but its legislation does not provide such a unification. Indeed, the tax system in France differs from those of Spain and Italy based on the Gross Gaming Revenue (GGR) of operators whereas taxation of online poker in France is based on bets. And it is for this reason that Jean-François Vilotte, director of the French Regulatory Authority of Online Games (ARJEL), repeatedly called for a change of the French law as it was the case last October. But for now, legislators didnt analyzed yet the amendment.
Suddenly, Italy and Spain committed to share their cash before the end of this year. The Iberian and Italian market commissions started for some time bilateral talks that should lead to the unification of the market as reflected in the press conference of last week given by Enrique Alejo. He announced that France will always be welcome once its legislation authorizes it. This marks an important step in the unification of online games market in Europe.
Source: Oliver JOHNSON
Sunday, 10 March 2013
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