Turbo Poker: A successful facelift!
After the acquisition by Itechsolft Game of the French online poker room Turbo Poker, this online poker room has not experienced large changes aside a few novelties that aim to keep the site's activity and its share of the French market. But in recent days, this ancient property of Iliad Group has undergone a real metamorphosis with a facelift as well as the structural level of graphics that envy online game enthusiasts. Turbo Poker platform is now in the standard of online poker rooms in France and the room seems very determined during this year 2013.
The homepage has henceforth an interface that scrolls a series of images to help visitors to know immediately the available promotions. Other changes to the site, the appearance of a new menu that offers quick access to the sections: Home, Start, Promotions, Invite a friend, VIP Club, Clubs, Blog, About Us and Help 24/7. The poker room will remain active in sponsoring local clubs and its Team Pro which is currently composed of Kevin Lesportes, Carlos Lopes, Stephan Gerin and Florent Marques. In the side of tournament, appointments that allow young players to shine as Rising Star as well as other tournaments that made it famous are still available. With the arrival of new poker rooms as EuroPoker on the French market, the competition promises to be increasingly tough.
Source: James WILLIAMS
Tuesday, 05 March 2013
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