Fantasy Poker Manager: A new vision of poker as a sport
The Global Poker Index (GPI) is the ranking of all players in the poker world. And every week, an update is provided following the performance of players during previous live tournaments. In line with the Global Poker Index, Zokay Entertainment, the company headed by Alexandre Dreyfus, which is also the owner of the GPI, launched on Thursday morning an application on Facebook that could let poker enthusiasts from around the world to participate in a game called Fantasy Poker Manager. In the past, games of the same ilk have already been presented in the example of the Fantasy Poker League, Fantasy WSOP or the PokerProManager but access was restricted to a smaller scale.
The game takes the concept of Football Manager to manage a team in both trainings, meetings, transfers... This time, the concept is the same but players will build their team through the GPI. A budget of one million dollars is awarded to them for the selection of a team of poker professionals. And the price of players depends on their ranking in the GPI. The best is to have big guns like Dan Smith, Marvin Rettenmaier, Jason Mercier, Bertrand Grospellier, Vanessa Selbst or Phil Hellmuth in his team. The game is free and each team will be awarded points based on the results of his players in live tournaments. Places in the ITM or a victory of a player can garner more points for his team.
Source: Oliver JOHNSON
Wednesday, 06 February 2013
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