Jet Lounge Casino: The casino concept on aircraft ready
8 to 10 hours of non-stop flight to rally a country to another, whether for tourism or business will not be as boring as before, at least for players. Indeed, the concept of casino on airplanes became a reality. Thanks to the collaboration between two French companies, Designescence and AirJet Designs, the first concept of flying casino named Jet Lounge Casino has just been updated. The two engineers who contributed to the realization of the project, Jean-Pierre Alfano (AirJet) and Frédérique Houssard (Designescence), have indeed announced officially through a news launched on CNN website the selling of the product. For this first version, the lounge will only include a blackjack table and a luxury bar. But it is quite possible to see poker tables aboard aircraft in the very near future.
Many airlines have already been attracted by the project and tried to do it but finally give up. Among others, there are Singapore Airlines who tried in 1981 to install slot machines on an aircraft serving Singapore - San Francisco but had to abandon the project for logistical constraints. Swissair also built a network of entertainment on board its aircraft, which apparently caused the crash of the Flight 111 in 1998. Recent attempts have been perpetrated by Virgin Atlantic Airways and Ryannair but they also failed in their project due to technical problems. For Jet Lounge Casino concept, only a few economic and regulatory worries should be studied before its completion. Indeed, the airline must reduce the number of passenger seats and secondly, it must remember that gambling are prohibited on the airspace of the United States.
Source: James WILLIAMS
Friday, 25 January 2013
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