Online poker: Germany grants its first license
In Europe, the legalization of online poker is gradually following its merry way. Italy and France led the way followed by other EU countries. Now it is the turn of Germany to follow this path through the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein. This latter has effectively issued its first online gambling license. And this is PokerStars that is the poker room licensed to operate legally in the leading economic power of the Old Continent. Suddenly, the world's leading online poker room is the first legal operator in the country of Goethe. According to Guy Templar, Development Manager of PokerStars, local law that is to say that applicable in Schleswig-Holstein is consistent with their desire and politics. The law GlüG S-H protects players but it also generates employment.
Passed in September 2011, the Act paves the way for online poker sites to operate safely in Germany. Prior to this grant, the state also gave in the month of May 2012 sports betting licenses to Bet365,, bet-at-home, Tipico. Moreover, major operators that are already in place are optimistic as the German market has a huge potential. Purchasing power is among the highest in Europe, the fervor of poker enthusiasts is a reality. The CEO of, Norbert Teufelberger agrees in the same opinion of his counterpart PokerStars. Law in Germany is in line with the European directive which is very strict on this aspect.
Source: James WILLIAMS
Thursday, 03 January 2013
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