Online gaming: A cooperation between French and Spanish regulators
Cooperation between different organs of the same activity is a reality. In the area of online poker and sports betting, it occurs in an agreement as it's the case between the French ARJEL and the Spanish DGOJ which agreed to work together in the future. In this project, both parties pledged to "fight more effectively against illegal sites, to present sporting ethics and increase the protection of players." Strengthening the work of regulators and the exchange of information and cooperation is the goal of the signatories. This agreement was signed on September 27 by the President of the two respective authorities namely Jean François Villote for ARJEL and Alejo Gonzalez and Enrique in the Iberian side.
President Villote is no longer to present because he also occpupies the seat of Vice Chairman of the drafting of an international convention against manipulation of sports results under the Council of Europe. The two entities are then aligned with the policies of other countries in Europe in terms of games and online sports betting and how to lead it effectively. The Arjel concluded an agreement of this type with the AAAMS of Italy, the Gambling Commission of the UK. However, this agreement is limited only to what is mentioned above. It does not allow the sharing of players for poker games even between the two countries. Indeed, the French side should modify certain rules to let that possible.
Source: Oliver JOHNSON
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
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