Online poker: The Italian market in regression
Being among the first European countries to legalize the opening of the online poker market, Italy is currently facing a difficult situation. Indeed, the AAMS (Amministrazionne Autonoma dei Monopoli di Stato) announced at its annual report that online gambling revenues in Italy are down significantly. By referring to figures, a decrease in revenue of approximately 30% was observed between August 2011 and August 2012. On the results of online poker, a sharp decline of 75% was recorded in tournaments income. If cash games have been a very important source of income at the beginning of their implementation fifteen months before, now the revenue that it brings to the State fell by 40%.
The problem that afflicts to the Italian online poker market is caused by high taxation that infuriates operators looking for a good return and players wanting to get a little profit, not to mention the fact that the game is restricted to local players. Other operators of online games in Europe must therefore take account of the case of the Italian market to improve the management of their respective markets. In France, the balance sheet is not yet as negative. Indeed, tournament results showed a marked increase. Note that a project aimed at bringing closer the Italian and Spanish market is considered by regulators in both countries to reboost the online poker industry.
Source: Oliver JOHNSON
Monday, 15 October 2012
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