Online poker: A common market between Italy and Spain
The director of the Spanish regulation authority, Enrique Alejo, unveiled to the public his desire to create a common market of online poker with Italy. Certainly, the establishment of an European common market is on the agenda since last June and the next meeting between those involved in the debate will take place in December. However, given the current context, this bilateral agreement is more than important. Indeed, the gross revenue generated by online poker market is receding considerably especially in France and Italy. And figures explain it by themselves. Since the opening of the Italian market, the gross gaming revenue recorded was down 6% and 13% in cash games tournaments. In France, about 3 million loss was recorded without counting the number of online poker site that closes their doors.
These facts prove that the law regarding the regulation of the market has significant defaults. The implementation of a common market between Italy and Spain could significantly improve the situation according to Enrique Alejo, because Spain could attract Italian players. The Italian regulator also agree with this opinion. It's also a good way to fight against illegal operators. The meeting between Italian and Spanish leaders are expected to take place this summer between September and October. The Spanish regulator hopes that a concrete agreement will be reached no later than towards the beginning of 2013. According to Enrique Alejo, France has shown some interest in the establishment of such an agreement. But it remains passive and has not yet decided to talk more about it.
Source: Jack SMITH
Thursday, 26 July 2012
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