Hold'em Challenge: Kick off the festival on April 4 at casino of Namur
Following a collaboration with an online poker room, the Casino of Namur in Belgium is preparing an outstanding tournament named Hold'Em Challenge. The first step of this poker circuit began since April 4 and will end on April 9. In the main event of 1,100 buy-in, organizers hope to raise about 400 players. As the event takes place near the border of France, it is certain that many fans including French poker pros will be there. Moreover, the tournament has a nice structure. Indeed, each competitor will have 25,000 starting chips for game levels of 45 minutes. The rounds will last 60 minutes when the game reach a higher level. Several well known players have already announced their participation like Christophe de Meulder, Pierre Neuville and Kenny Hallart.
The main event will run over four days with two first qualifying days and the kickoff is scheduled to take place this Friday, April 6. Apart from this main event, poker enthusiasts who will join Namur during the festival will be also entitled to five side events. Indeed, on last April 4, there had already had an inaugural tournament available for 110. On April 5, the second side event of 220 consisting in two days of competition began. On April 7, there will be a 110 tournament and on April 8, a side event of 330 will be in the program. During the day of April 9, gamers will take part in the tournament of 165.
Source: Jack SMITH
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
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