Bingo night: Great success for FSC and Castanet-Tolosan basketball lotto
Since the beginning of 2012, the organization of free bingo game multiplies and most of organizers record all a success. Last Saturday, the lotto of the Football Club du Séronais, in La Bastide-de-Seru, a town located in the department of Ariege and Midi-Pyrenees region, attracted 200 people. A warm and friendly atmosphere invaded the Jean-Nayrou room during the evening and the participants were enjoyed to rub shoulders with their favorite players. Note that the team members were actively involved in the preparation of the bingo bonus. Thanks to the efforts of the organizers, the evening accumulated a large success. Thus, the club was able to raise funds that will finance their activities.
The same success was registered at the event organized by the officers of MJC Castanet volunteers, an association of basketball in the city, the same day. The event was held in the Ritournelle room of Castanet-Tolosan, in the department of Haute-Garonne and the Midi-Pyrenees. At exactly 8:30 p.m, the time scheduled to start the evening, the room was packed with people. Young and old spent then an entertaining evening which lasted about three hours. Note that children played special parts featuring prizes suitable for their ages. Among the grants distributed to the lucky of this lotto of basketball players, there were an iPod Nano 16 GB, a Nintendo Wii, a "trash" that was filled with many prizes and also the polo of the Stade Toulousain club.
Source: Oliver JOHNSON
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
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