Illegal sites blocking: The ARJEL will compensate ISP for its application
The world of online poker in France is experiencing a new decree, this time on internet service providers (ISP). Indeed, compensation will be allocated to them through the blocking of illegal online gambling sites specified by Article 61 of the Act of May 12, 2010 on the blocking of access to an activity of online betting and online gambling offer not allowed. But the problem is that this decision creates an additional cost for the ISP which the claim of these latter to a law that would set the terms of blocking of not authorized gambling sites by the Regulatory Authority for online games (Arjel). Published this week in the French Official Journal, the implementing decree took effect immediately after its publication, that is to say Monday, January 2, 2012.
This new decree implements the Article 61 of the Act of May 12, 2010, which article 1 of the Decree orders ISPs to use the blocking protocol by domain name (DNS) ", and therefore, ISPs will have a compensation for the costs of the blockage. And what bring joy to these operators is that any additional costs incurred by the blockage will be indemnified by the Arjel. Section 2 of this decree states that the term "surcharge" means the cost of additional specific manual interventions made in the DNS system... And to benefit this compensation, ISPs should contact the Arjel, with the audit of the General Council of industry, energy and technology of a document that details the additional costs of the blocking of illegal online poker room and sports betting websites.
Source: Oliver JOHNSON
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
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