Gueugnon and Muizon: A bingo for the Telethon
December is the period during which the various associations rush to organize events to finish the year in joy. This festive season will be also marked by various cultural events as we can see with bingo games that are organized everywhere in France and elsewhere. It's also the case of the Commune libre des Pays Réunis, which organized a lottery for the telethon at the home city of Gueugnon. This last bingo bonus appointment of this year was held last Saturday and was attended by more than one hundred people. The event enabled the association to raise a sum of 1,150 through the telethon. In the delight of participants, the lottery was richly endowed. Alves DeAbreu won during this event a TV while Simone Slonski and Nadine Desiree received respectively a camcorder and voucher of 100.
In Muizon, the big lottery for the Telethon was also a great success. During the evening of Saturday, the community of the Compagnons du Devoir de Muizon held a lottery to raise a fund for the reparation of its house that were destroyed by fire last November. Many players moved to give but also to win various prizes put in. Among the prizes distributed, there are hardware appliances and Hi-fi but also many things made by members of the Companions ie coffee table, wooden chairs, ladles copper, etc.
Source: Oliver JOHNSON
Thursday, 08 December 2011
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