Digoin, Chassy and Gergy: Full house for bingo
Online bingo is booming these days but the traditional bingo played in live also remains as the favorite pastime of French during the weekend as evidenced by the success that the event met in Digoin, in Saone-et-Loire, and also in other localities. The municipality of Digoin hosted last Sunday the annual bingo of the Secours catholique in order to help poor families. The meeting was a success for the organizers according to the number of participants who joined the hall Notre-Dame in the afternoon of Sunday. The game worth the trip because in addition to the various prizes distributed, the day also corresponded to the collection day National of the Catholic Relief on the third Sunday. The lucky ones went home with many prizes such as vouchers that was won by Ms. Eden Pilguer ( 200), Ms. Muet ( 100) and Mrs. Sidney Pilguer ( 50). Ms. Millet was awarded the oven while Ms. Daligand, Ms. Aghemo, Mrs. Comte and Mr. Tarquini shared the ham.
In the township of Chassy, Yonne department, Sunday was also the appointment given by the festival committee for its lottery. Over 80 people answered to the call and many participants came away with many prizes at stake like Mr. Javaud who won the TV, Ms. Berland who received the vacuum cleaner and Ms. Saulnier for the GPS. Many people also came to the bingo bonus of judo club Espérance held on the evening of Saturday in Gergy. The evening was well animated and those who shouted "quine" all along the fifteen games went home with large lots. The judo club provided for this purpose many rewards.
Source: Oliver JOHNSON
Friday, 25 November 2011
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