Ciry-le-Noble and Autun: Many players present at the bingo event
Bingo is always the board game the most played in the world. Last weekend, many parties were held on different towns and villages of France. On Saturday night, the city of Ciry-le-Noble hosted the bingo of the independence in the village hall which was filled. The event was a great success for the organizers according to the President Jean-Luc Ducerf. The main reason of this success is mainly the gift that was very interesting : LCD TV, dishwasher, microwave oven, home theater ... The big lucky of the event are Ms Guillon who won the home theater, Mr. Gauthier, who left with a LCD TV 106 cm, Mr Lauferon who won LCD television, Ms. Lupo received the dishwasher and Ms. Monier the microwave.
And in the town of Autun, the bingo game organized by the Federal Union of Veterans (UFAC) has also been a great success. Nearly 150 people were present at the appointment in the afternoon of Sunday, November 13 in Room Colonel Lévêque for the fall lottery. The organizing committee headed by the president of the UFAC Autun, Pierre Adloff, was satisfied by the way the success of the event during which many prizes were distributed: LCD TV, oven, food processor multifunction, cooker multifunction, microwave oven, coffee maker, hams... During this event, some members of the Club of Autun won also the prizes as Mr. Ducret who returned home with a LCD TV, Ducret (ironing board), Miot (multifunction robot), Michot (electric oven), Guijo (food processor), Ponsot (steam plant) and Gera (coffee). Paletta of Monthelon won the microwave oven.
Source: Jack SMITH
Thursday, 17 November 2011
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