LAPT Uruguay: Alex Komaromi becomes the pride of his country
This fourth season of the Latin American Poker Tour (LAPT) still continue reaping success. After a successful stage done in Chile on March of this year, the LAPT Punta Del Este recorded also a wide field of 422 participants, in Uruguay. And for the first time in history, a local player, Alex Komaromi, was able to win this tournament. We can say that this 21 years old champion becomes his countrys pride. During the third day of competition, the game was rude in this poker room. Four Brazilian players did their best to win this tournament during the final table. But the Venezuelan player Engelberth Varela knew well how to tackle and eliminate Monteiro. He was then, the first to leave the table and his compatriots Fernando Araujo (7th), Nelson Neto (6th) et Felipe Sangalli Pasini (5th) joined the list of those eliminated players a few times later.
After the elimination of these Brazilian players, it was the Peruvian Carlos Watanabes turn to leave the game, due to Valeras attack, too. Only three players still remained in the race, since then. These survivors did their best to win the title but Valera didnt find anyway to resist Komaromis attack and had to do with a third position and $ 88,970 of prize. The heads-up was then, between Komaromi and Claudio Piedrabuena, an Argentinean native player. And thanks to his talent with his family and spectators encouragement, he found the way to the victory. The runner up won the second position with $ 141,220 as reward while this young champion went back home with the title and $ 244,720.
Source: James WILLIAMS
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
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