Casino of Aix-en-Provence: A new hold-up rather dramatic
Casino robbery continues to multiply on the French territory. Already victim of an act of banditry in the month of April, Aix-en-Provence Pasino has been attacked again by criminals who dared to rob their guns to police officers. Indeed, in the night of Saturday to Sunday, about 1:00 a.m, five gunmen entered the place. While two of them threatened the cashier and asked money, the two other take the direction of poker rooms and slot machine. Note that the casino of Aix-en-Provence is equipped with 350 slot machines and has the largest poker room in France. In the previous robbery, the thieves managed to steal 100,000. This time, the police could intervene in time. As a result, the amount of loot dropped significantly because they only collected 30,000.
Thanks to a phone call from a police inspector who witnessed the robbery, a police patrol in the anti-crime brigade tried to stop the bandits. The confrontation was inevitable because in oder to escape the police, the criminals fired at the police while taking off. They left their cars completely burned in a parking. During the shooting, a police officer was wounded in the arm. Before the occurrence of such acts of banditry in casinos, new measures that include the limiting of amount of money in circulation in casinos will be taken. According to some employees of the casino, these criminals spotted very well the scene and prepared well their stealing. According to the estimation, they're the authors of the same robbery of April. However, nothing is yet confirmed because the investigation has just begun.
Source: James WILLIAMS
Monday, 04 July 2011
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