WPT Magazine: The Croatian Tatjana Pasalic named sexiest woman of poker
A top 20 of the sexiest women in the poker world was published by the World Poker Tour in its magazine of June 2011. In addition to those who practice this card game, other women who frequent the world of poker are also in the Top 20 ranking. Moreover, two main criteria permitted to distinguish on the one hand, the 20 sexiest women in poker and also the 20 sexiest players based on poker winnings where seven women like Melanie Iglesias, Joanna Krupa, Kimberly Lansing, Sara Underwood, Melyssa Grace, Alison Waite, Leeann Tweeden and Amy Weber are respectively ranked, with no earning, from the 14th to the 20th rank.
In the top 20 sexiest women in the world of poker, the Croatian player Tatjana Pasalic leads the way ahead the WPT Royal Flush Girl Melanie Iglesias and the player, for the moment having zero gain Joanna Krupa. The fourth is for the player and U.S. actress Shannon Elizabeth, while Kimberly Lansing, the one in charge of collecting impressions of participants during the various stages of the World Poker Tour is ranked fifth. Moreover, according to gains pocketed in the various poker tournaments, the first place of the 20 sexiest players returned to the French-American player Vanessa Rousso, who currently accounts 3,147,378 dollars earnings. She beats the players Liv Boeree ranked second with her $ 2,059,957 winnings and Sandra Naujoks third in the rankings, who has a gain of $ 1,662,021.
Source: Jack SMITH
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
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