International Poker Open: Dublin will host another edition in October
A great event for those who like playing poker deepstack, the International Poker Open tournament 2011(IPO) will be held from October 21 to 23 in Ireland. As a reminder, the IPO is the biggest deepstack event of the European soil. It offers to passionate of poker not only the opportunity to participate in a very professional game, but it is also accessible in a moderate buy-in of 225. In the previous edition, the organizers registered a huge success by bringing a field of 1,293 participants offering a first prize of around 50,000. For this 2011 edition, the same success is expected.
Thus, the IPO 2011 will take place once again in Dublin and the Regency Hotel will host in its poker room the participants to the festival. There will be two first qualifying days, the first Day 1 will take place on Friday, October 21 and the second on Saturday, October 22. Participants will begin the game with 15,000 starting chips for rounds of 40 minutes. The second day of qualifying will be held on October 23. And the lucky finalists will gather around a table of a heavenly place on November 26, 2011. Note that last year, the first positions of the podium were all won by Irish players, the host of the tournament although several representatives of other European countries, including those of France have been observed there. But France still enjoy a great feat of one of its player, Pascal Leon, who finished 8 th.
Friday, 03 June 2011
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