Wild Poker 04: Texas Hold'em as program of the club's weekly meeting
Five cards on the table and two more in hands, it's basically the atmosphere imaginable once each week in the evening at the René-Cassin room, in France. Indeed, members of the Wild Poker 04 association meet every Thursday evening at tables to play and share their passion, which is poker, with friends. Moreover, the 40 members would rather play the Texas Hold'em variant without betting money. Nevertheless, the game principle remains intact with the use of tokens as well as the ability to bluff. At the end of each weekly meeting, only the player who has the best hand wins.
To explain the initiative taken by this poker club of Sisteron, Wild Poker 04 to not play with money, the club president, Jean-Yves Derathe merely say that poker is the field of game of chance and it is forbidden to associations to offer tournaments with money. In addition, weekly poker games are a true moment of happiness and fun that is more than enough to the club members. The association president added that the variety of style of play brought by practitioners makes the game more interesting. As annual events, the club organizes four poker tournaments. Thus, the best players in all competitions which follow the course of the year will not leave empty-handed. Indeed, in the absence of financial gain, they get package.
Source: poker777.com
Wednesday, 01 June 2011
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