Publication: The new book by François Montmirel will be released on May 19
The book L'Essentiel des Probabilités au Poker (The Essentials of Probability in Poker) by François Montmirel and produced by Fantaisium Editions will be released on May 19, 2011. As its name suggests, this book explains the possible probability in this game in the 96 pages it contains. Very practical and easy to read and to understand, the contents of this book will certainly help poker players who are not accustomed to familiarize themselves with probabilities. To do this, the author of the book used a multitude of examples in the pattern of the most visible probabilities in Texas Hold'em No Limit.
In L'Essentiel des Probabilités au Poker, a book in French, far of the words of difficult mathematics, Montmirel used terms easy to understand. Thus, the explanation is limited to the essentials including financial benchmarks to help poker fans to take advantage of every opportunity that is available for them. Meanwhile the deadline of May 19, here is a preview of the table of contents to see in this book : the notion of probabilities, starting hands, confrontations before the flop, flop, flop improving, the concept of out, odds of the jackpot, the explicit odds, the implied odds,... Moreover, its price is very affordable compared to publications in the same gender. Note that the author of "Poker Cadillac" is considered as the most specialized in the area, speaking on French publication on poker. He already translated the works of Sam Farha, "Farha on Omaha", published books on blackjack and he has a total of twenty books already released.
Wednesday, 04 May 2011
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