Cercle Wagram Main Event: A first success for Lucille Cailly
The monthly poker tournament for the third month of the year 2011 of the Cercle Wagram was played in the evening of Saturday 26 of March. Although the influx of participants was not as much as expected during this new edition with a Main Event of 1,000 buy-in, as a field consisting of only 97 players were recorded, the progress of the party in general was very exciting, especially when the moment when last 10 survivors of the final table faced each other. Most of players who reached this final round were in general well known faces because only a few of them are for the first time at this stage of play.
For a surprise, this tournament offered one because face to poker players used to sit among the best in the final table, the player Lucille Cailly managed to impose her game and reach the first place after this tournament of March of the Cercle Wagram. Indeed, the winner of the competition was awarded of the first live tournament success of her career. For this first feat, Lucille Cailly pocketed the tidy sum of 26,190. The overall ranking of the 9 other finalists in the Main Event of the Cercle Wagram is as follows : Flavien Guenan 17,460, Clement Thumy 12,610, Damien Cayet 7760, Jean Paul Pasqualini 6,790, Mekhtoub Ali 5,820, Rudolph Dethiere 4,850, Basil Yaïche 3,880, Marc Isman 2,910 and Yalap Sapanis 1,940.
Source: poker777.com
Thursday, 31 March 2011
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