Nordic Poker Awards 2010: Four Scandinavian players awarded
The great annual ceremony of the Nordic Poker Awards summarizing the year 2010 was held on the evening of Monday, February 21, 2011 in Denmark, just before the Main Event of the European Poker Tour Copenhagen. The four awards ceremony dedicated to the best players in the Nordic countries of last year which are the best performance, the best live tournament player, the best online player and the newcomer of the year saw the distribution of rewards between two Norwegian players, one Danish and one Finnish player.
No surprises in general for this annual event of the Nordic Poker Awards 2010. Thus, the trophy for the best Scandinavian player in live tournament landed in the hands of Theo Jorgensen, the Danish player who achieved a great course during the past year. He had among others, the title of World Poker Tour in the French capital, Paris, in May 2010 with a gain of 633,902 and the 30th place in the Main Event of the World Series of Poker for $ 255,242 dollars. This award is richly deserved because Theo Jorgensen won some $ 1.4 million for the poker year 2010. For the three other trophies of the best players in the Nordic countries in 2010, the prize of the best performance went to Ilari Tahkokallio, Andreas "Skjervøy" Torbergsen was awarded best online player because he distinguished himself in several tournaments in online poker rooms while the prize of the Revelation of the year returned to Kevin Stani.
Friday, 25 February 2011
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