Jonathan Duhamel : He accomplished his promise
If I win the world championship of poker next week, I will give a donation of $ 100,000 to the Canadian Foundation for Children. That was the promise made by Jonathan Duhamel during the show "Everybody talks about it" in October 2010. Now the check with this amount is in the hands of this foundation that helps children since last Saturday, an organization that is directly related to the Canadian hockey team, through the club president Pierre Boivin. To remind, the young Quebecois world poker champion dominated the final table with 9 players by winning the gold bracelet and the enormous prize of $ 8,944,138.
To explain this noble gesture, Jonathan Duhamel, aged 23 years wanted to show what he always dreamed to share to the community what he could offer. Moreover, the young professional poker player has a real affection for children that he sees as top priority not to mention that he is an avid of Montreal Canadians. Moreover, the choice of this gift was natural for him. For the rest of his agenda for this year 2011, Duhamel, who has been involved for nearly two weeks in the Bahamas in the tournament Series of Poker Caribbean Adventure, is currently present at the European Poker Tour Deauville in France. Then, in early February, he will be at Foxwoods in the United States.
Source: Poker 777
Thursday, 27 January 2011
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