Tiffin: 10 years of imprisonment for having robbed $ 480 in a poker game
The house of Al Elchert, at Tiffin, in the State of Ohio has been victim of an armed robbery on August 24, 2010 during a private poker game taking place there. The two masked assailants threw a bag on the game table while threatening the ten gamers to store their money inside. The six participants in the game obeyed at once without waiting for the other four, according to the testimony of Elchert. In running away, the thieves dropped $ 125, according always to Elchert who insisted in the fact that for nearly a half-century that he played cards, his house was left open, and never knew incident.
The trial of this armed robbery took place last week. Christopher Ferstler, one of the robbers arrested by the police in Tiffin, pleaded guilty for an aggravated robbery, aggravated burglary and kidnapping. Verdict: the 21-year-old man was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment with an obligation to repay the $ 480 stolen. Also, the accomplice of Ferstler, Xavier Purnell was on this same place during the day of August 24, 2010 as a player for the second time. The third time he returned, he hide his face with a mask while committing the crime with a gun, which tells Elchert who was pleased with the judge's decision after the confession of Christopher Ferstler. The hearing of Xavier Purnell will be held in a few months during which he must answer the same charges.
Source: Poker 777
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
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