As Poker Brie : A 24-hour tournament to the benefit of the Restos du Coeur
For the new year 2011, the association "As Poker Brie" wants to bring something new to contribute more in its aid to the famous charity created by Coluche, the Restos du Cur (Eating of the Heart). If poker players of Seine et Marne organized a classic tournament last year, another formula more unique and more fun will be concocted by the President Florence Sauvaget and the 80 members of the club during the month of February 2011. To do better and earn more profits than last year in the benefit of Restos du Cur, poker enthusiasts of the association "As Poker Brie" in Seine et Marne give rendez-vous on Saturday 19 and Sunday, 20 February, 2011 in the hall of Tournan en Brie to take part in a tournament by teams of three players who will interchange for 24 hours.
The tournament will include 50,000 starting chips and levels set at 60 minutes which fee per team is 30. Throughout the two days weekend, the president of the association, Ms. Sauvaget hopes to receive some 200 teams of poker and a number of 600 players to give a helping hand to the famous association created by Coluche. In the program, there will be among others, a side event tournament, initiations and other surprises. In the side of participants, the association will have as guest the holder of a WSOP title Vanessa Hellebuyck, who always answers invitations for a good cause and plays in a charity tournament. Furthermore, the sympathetic Willy Korchia will also be taking part.
Source: Poker 777
Thursday, 30 December 2010
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