CNIC: 400 seats for the grand finale
The grand finale of the French National Championship Individual Clubs (CNIC) will be held for three days during the first quarter of 2011. To be eligible to participate in this final appointment and be selected among the 400 competitors in this race, all participants must be a member of one of the 170 poker clubs affiliated to the Club des Clubs. In addition, online qualifiers and live championships organized by the participating clubs will be the only valid tickets for a seat in this final tournament. 40 tickets are offered on online satellite qualifiers for this great final of poker amateur of the new year 2011. The remaining 360 places can be acquired during the live championship organized by the participating clubs.
Regarding the actual organization of the way of qualification, there will be a total of 11 regional groups of 9 sessions each and players will be credited with points based on their ranking in the tournament. Subsequently, the 400 best poker players in this classification will participate in the online grand final with a prize pool of 20,000 which includes a package of 1,600 for the Spanish Poker Tour. At the end of the trail, the first 40 players will have the privilege to access to the live final of the CNIC. As prices, the best of the best of the National Championship Individual Clubs will represent the Club of Clubs at WSOP 2011 with an all-inclusive package in which the transport from France to Las Vegas, nights and buy-in for the event are all included.
Source: Poker 777
Wednesday, 03 November 2010
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