Poker: A mythical game that continues to evolve over the years
Poker experienced a considerable growth in recent years like many major international tournaments taking place around the world. A discipline that has its origin and its features that marked the history of playing cards that continues to evolve. Speaking of poker, you can not escape his country of origin that is the Wild West that is situated at the heart of the United States at the time of the famous gold rush. Indeed, it was during this period that poker became an integral symbol of the Wild West where all the cowboys and adventurers put money on who has the highest hand. Poker that often ends in a cruel duel with gun in which masculinity was also an imperative in those days. A bad experience that living legends like Doyle Brunson lived in the back room of a bar in Texas under the influence of alcohol and weapons.
Another symbol of this game is the birth of poker tournament series like the World Series of Poker, 40 years old now, amplified by the retransmission of the WPT, the EPT or the WSOP in the early 2000s, which brought a second youth to this discipline today. Finally, a formidable weapon and symbolic that the greatest players had to feel the fear and distract their opponents is psychology. This way of doing that is very effective for those who practice dates back for many years ago.
Source: Poker 777
Friday, 08 October 2010
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