Poker in Paradise : A charity tournament for retired racehorses
The association California Retirement Management Account (CARMA) held its third annual charity poker tournament "Poker in Paradise." This is an event organized to ensure a well deserved retirement to racehorses in California. Indeed, each year, jockeys, trainers and fans of horse race gather to play poker to raise fund. The profit is used to provide appropriate care for retired racehorses as long as they are alive. The variant played is Texas Hold'em and this year, 234 poker players answered to the invitation, which allowed CARMA to collect a profit of $ 70,000. About 115 people also attended the event and have contributed.
The chairman of the board of CARMA, Madeline Auerbach testified her gratitude to those who participated in this charity poker tournament for horses among which were Jim Rome, the sports announcer on radio, the former player of Padres Mark Loretta 's, the renowned jockey Mike Smith, Zenyatta, and many other celebrities and horse racing enthusiasts. Since its inception in 2008, the CARMA Association in collaboration with California Racing Board lends a hand to the management of retired thoroughbred horses care. And it attributes 80% of funds raised at events like this or by individual donations to this humble cause. A priori, poker has become a great way to fund charities and retired race horses have also benefited.
Source: Poker 777
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
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