The Korporation : An agency to defend the behoof of poker players
If artists have always enjoyed the service of an agent, now poker players can also use such luxury as a management agency for poker players in France has just been created. This is "The Korporation”, an agency who will defend the interests of players throughout their careers. Thus, The Korporation will handle the negotiation of various contracts for their clients, organizing their appearance in various events, manage the blogs and sites of players and perform all juridical operations, tax or legal. Thus, with the arrival of the agency, poker players will be able to concentrate on their careers, far from everyday worries sometimes causing considerable stress during their participation in tournaments.
The Korporation is composed of a very professional team to carry out their mission. Indeed, the agency's director Olivier Chainard work continuously with a company specialized in wealth management represented by Emmanuel Lacroix, a lawyer in the field of labor law, Jean Jacques Bertrand, a team that will provide quality service for French poker pros. The Korporation also try to promote young talent. To start, The Korporation has already been committed by the young Antoine Labat. The career of the young poker player will be in the hands of Chainard's team and his participation in major live tournaments is scheduled to launch his career. Note that most poker pros in France represent famous online poker sites. In the near future, they will certainly ask for the service of The Korporation.
Source: Poker 777
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
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