Poker fever : More success for tournaments in the Czech Republic
No longer a secret. Poker is growing at an exponential rate throughout the world. Starting from the United States, the phenomenon has invaded the Western Europe in the first instance and then subsequently drew sympathy from other countries of the Old Continent including the Czech Republic. In general, residents of this small country are fond of casino games. To top it all, several major international tournaments are organized. Last weekend, the Hilton hotel of Prague was the scene of a tournament considered as one of the biggest of the year. Given the high number of participants, 224 in all, it took 26 poker tables and a huge logistical means. Addicts and also local players from other countries such as France took part in the event, and organizers were very satisfied of the success despite a fairly high rate of enrollment of 1,500 plus 150 of tax.
A promising start, which predicted a bright future for this card game. For this country, it is difficult to know exactly the number of poker players but one thing is certain: its development has great similarity with what happened in other nations. Young people in particular have begun to play via their computers and then practice them on real cards, playing at home. The existence of clubs is also visible everywhere, another proof of the dynamism which prevails. But what caused the boom is undoubtedly the emergence of Internet. For the moment, this country have not yet well known superstars.
Source: Poker 777
Thursday, 12 August 2010
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