French online poker : Players on .fr portal feel aggrieved
As everyone knows, the opening to competition of online poker is effective for over already one month in France. It's a great step forward for gaming but not everything is rosy. There is discontent among French players, who feel aggrieved by a phenomenon that has nothing linking with liberalization : the entry of approved sites .fr by players coming from .com. The consequences were felt immediately : an influx of enthusiasts of the game most of whom are regular players, and professionals living outside France who are more experienced and beat at almost of the time local players whose level is significantly lower. Even if there is an increasing flows of money on poker tables, it is in almost of the time at the expense of French players. So, they feel injured by this practice : their accounts were emptied at a glance, the disappointment is growing to the point they no longer want to play and on the other hand, the French experienced players don't have access to .com sites. A measure that is the consequence of the law applied at the moment.
In fact, it is players who are not French on .com sites who find their account in this case, at least for the moment as they can if they want to have both an account .com and another .fr. This situation has negative effects and that in the long term. Only those with deep pockets could find their satisfaction. And this struggle will cause a break that will have a bad impact on the future of French online poker or even a "desertion" of French players of their gaming rooms. For the moment, authorities are still silent on this controversy.
Source: Poker 777
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
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