French online poker : Internet providers block illegal operators
Activities will become harder and more difficult for illegal online poker sites operating in France by the measures taken by the regulatory authority of online games or ARJEL. Indeed, following the decision of the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris, telephone operators and internet service providers (ISP) had to block access to illegal poker and sports betting sites. This automatically implies a reduction of revenue for these operators. These measures were taken to sites that are not in good standing with respect to the administration and have continued to issue against the law in effect for two months. From that side, we can say that the ARJEL did his job by finding sites that offer recalcitrant games for French Internet users. Not content to put them always on guard, the ARJEL brought the matter to court by requiring ISPs to block access.
Technically, it is not easy to do this, to block access while on another level, the finance, the shortfall would be definitely a big problem for ISPs especially as the rising discontent to protest this restriction on freedom of expression. For online casinos, they are more or less untouched. We hear the reactions of the Regulatory Authority shortly. For illegal sites, the ARJEL has a lot of work waiting them if we consider the number of illegal sites scattered around the world counted by thousands.
Source: Poker 777
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
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