Poker : Always in search of a decent rating despite its long history
Since recent years, poker became a must hobby. It had a meteoric rise and therefore very popular. And since the online gambling sites exist as well as TV game shows devoted to this card game, its reputation has yet increased tenfold. Poker has behind it many years of existence but its popularity did not take place until several years after its birth. It was in the middle of the nineteenth century that poker has seen its development on the American mainland and Europe. The first World Series of Poker held in 1970 and the European tournaments have emerged in 1990. With regard to online games and television, it was in 1999 they made their first step. And it was only in 2005 that France hosted the first major international championship, the European Poker Tour in the Casino Barrière of Deauville.
But despite all this long history, it still can't find in which category is the game of poker. Russia had decided in 2007 to classify it among the sports section rather than in games of chance but the country reversed its decision in 2009. For Lithuania, the Ministry of Education and Sports recognized in poker its sporty character since last March. The Lithuanian government's decision comes just before the agreement of the International Federation of Poker as part of the International Mind Association (IMA), a group that meets every puzzle games like chess and bridge. It is noteworthy that these two games are rather seen as sports by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). So if poker is officially recognized as a puzzle game, it may also be practiced outside of legal places stipulated by law in France.
Source: Poker 777
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
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