Online poker: Different views about the legalization in France
It seems that the decision of the French administration to legalize online poker didn't affect to much French players. Full-time players give their views onthe long-awaited arrival of legal French poker sites. On the one hand, they see on this permission of the State of virtual version of the famous card game benefits such as comfort, safety and speed. Indeed, there are many positive sides of online poker because according to interlocutors, there is the feeling of being at ease away from the eyes of opponents, be safe to have played and to find satisfaction with the very fast service offered with the possibility of linking several virtual parts. Their opinions will converge to say that just getting used to the new vocabulary, the variety of game modes and especially the advantage of starting the game of poker online free or by small amounts.
But from another point of view, the disadvantages (of the legalization) are expected, inter alia, a limited market for players and a lower gain. For Sebastian Frisco, Swiss player of 38 years and industry expert in online poker, the arrival of two million new players means a limited market for practitioners who have a French bank account located in France, themselves victims of exclusion from the list of international sites. Fabien, 29 years to add that time to play can now be held in the evening, which is likely to impact negatively on the number of participants and the value gains to pocket. Antoine, 27 years already provides the worst as planning to leave or to cheat in order to play online poker.
Source: Poker 777
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
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