Robot poker : The phenomenon continue its way
A new way of playing poker is beginning to have more and more usefulness nowadays. In online poker, the robot poker is another craftiness to play. Many persons consider it as cheating because this machine plays in place of the player and it is sometimes unidentified by a simple participant. The robot poker is nothing else than a software as the other one. The difference is situated in the fact that it replaces its owner. It is the more or less autonomous IT program which has the capacity to play online poker as a human can do. There are two types of robot poker : the downloadable and configurable, and those who are created by players who know computer programming.
This type of software is considered as of cheating because it can interact with that of the room of poker, what gives it access to cards onto the table, in the hands of the opponents and in the pot. In more as it is a robot, it plays impassive. It is thus impossible to detect some feeling. As the owner can integrate it any strategy which is necessary to it to win, it can lie down for example in the slightest danger and take no risk. One of the big advantages of this robot is also situated in the fact that it can play simultaneously on two or three tables while its owner fuss in other occupations. It also allows the player to avoid stress and especially the number of hours lost to play. In order to not offend other participants or to avoid knowing your game, it is then a must to know how to use properly this software and remember to reprogram it as often as possible.
Source: Poker 777
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
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