Online poker : The great debate in Washington
Numerous fans of online poker in the United States had attended the sitting organized by the Poker Players Alliance (PPA) in front of the Supreme Court in Washington where they attended a long debate to overturn the new law Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act ( UIGEA). Each party has tried to defend its case in front of the members of the Court. Under the U.S. law, poker is a game played in casinos, not in the virtual world. Defenders of the UIGEA has therefore suggested that the Act was designed to protect citizens against addiction and organized crimes in the current online gaming industry. And while the state of Washington began studying the various arguments advanced by both sides in this debate, former Senator Alfonse D'Amato, leader of the PPP, has submitted the findings of the association on this day.
Thus, the statement said, the PPP appreciates the fact that the Supreme Court of Washington has agreed to set up this session. The association members said they plan to collaborate with the State of Washington regardless of the outcome. However, they hope that the influx of online poker enthusiasts in front of the Court yesterday and the arguments talked by proponents of PPP would be enough for legislators to believe a possible modification or reversal of this "stupid" law. Due to the fact that Washington is the only State that has defended its citizens to play free online poker, the PPP states that the UIGEA was not created to protect players against crime and addiction, but rather to protect the interest of some tribal casinos. Furthermore, most online poker enthusiasts are honest people who have decent jobs as doctors, lawyers or engineers. Thus, the PPP hopes that legislators take into account the views of many people who claim only their freedom.
Source: Poker 777
Monday, 31 May 2010
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