ARJEL: The final scope statement adopted
The first working meeting of the members of the French Authority to regulate online gaming on Monday, May 16th, 2010 was quick to give the green light to the adoption of a final scope statement. Just one week after the approval of the Constitutional Council about the legislation giving access to the opening to competition and regulation of sports betting and online poker in France, the situation already evolve. Effectively, this 17 pages document about the legal and technical requirements of the future candidates for a license has been inserted in the French Official Gazette on Tuesday, May 18th, 2010. Among the cases, officials of the ARJEL will have to discuss primarly and very quickly those on websites of sports betting in anticipation of the kickoff of the World Cup of football on June 11th, 2010.
According to the latest news, two world leaders of online poker are in the front line to apply for these licenses. By tracking the evolution of the situation, they are the first to express their willingness to submit to the Regulatory Authority applications on online game accreditation. Both have enormous potential in their respective fields and they are already aspiring to be at the forefront when the law will be applied. As a reminder, members of the ARJEL think about the delivering of between thirty and fifty operators licences in the coming days.
Source: Poker 777
Friday, 21 May 2010
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