Charity Poker: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck at the WSOP
The two American stars Matt Damon and Ben Affleck have just confirmed their participation in the famous charity poker tournament Ante Up For Africa to be held during the Main Event of the World Series of Poker 2010 in Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The Ante Up For Africa was always one of the poker event which know the most important participation of celebrity. Many stars choose this fund-raising tournament because the level of play is much higher compared to other charity poker tournaments without forgetting the always good-natured atmosphere that reigns in the poker room. Many stars come at the Ante Up For Africa to play, these people come for fun and prestige and not for money.
The tournament entry fee is $ 5,000, all funds will be used to finance the effort to help Africa, especially in places like Darfour. Last year, there were many big stars who have given their valuable time and money for the cause, poker pros and celebrities have paid the buy-in to support the movement. "We are very pleased to have Matt and Ben to our fourth WSOP Ante Up For Africa", said Annie Duke, the founder of Ante Up For Africa. She is also awaiting the arrival of the biggest names in the entertainment industry and the game in that tournament following the announcement of the arrival of the two big stars.
Source: Poker 777
Thursday, 29 April 2010
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