EPT Monte Carlo: The ashes of Eyjafjöll will they interfere it ?
When the Eyjafjöll Icelandic volcano spewed ashes, everyone thought that it will only concern the Scandinavian countries and its surroundings. But the effects have been more dramatic mainly for air traffic. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) estimates that the paralysis of the European air traffic will be much more serious than the effects of September 11th. Airline companies losses are estimated at 250 million dollars a day, not counting the perverse effects of the disturbance on the entire economy. The poker industry does not seem to suffer from this stifling of flights. The European Poker Tour San Remo near a record of participation is a perfect example. EPT San Remo is the biggest tournament that the European Poker Tour have ever record, with a total of 1,240 participants.
If at first, the tournament were planned to be limited to 1,100 players, the organizers had to install several additional tables to accommodate the surplus of participants. The world's best players braved the volcanic eruption and disturbances affecting Europe in recent days. To quote Peter Eastgate, Barry Greenstein and Jason Mercier, some of them had reached Italy by car for a journey of 20 hours. But the effects of the eruption could have a patch of shade in the Grand Final EPT Monaco scheduled for April 25th, 2010. Even if the organizers of the event, confirmed the holding of the tournament, the hallway noise cancellation or postponement of the tournament circulated.
Source: Poker 777
Saturday, 24 April 2010
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