Mobile Poker : The third revival ?
All experts agree that poker has seen its second youth thanks to the Internet. Today the Internet no longer means necessarily be connected to a copper wire and time of RTC with its 56,000 kbps speed is already very far because you can have it everywhere, especially on mobile phone terminals. Internet offer for mobile is no longer reserved for an elite because it has been democratized since a few years. And manufacturers of mobile phone industry have sensed right away people's interest in poker. In this area, the firm Apple is a precursor because of its successful product, the iPhone. The Cupertino company has launched in France from 2008 the game Texas Hold'em for its users. This application allows the user to play online against other players or other friends. According to experts, this application is the best poker software for mobile.
Since this period, the application has known a great success and many operators of online games have built mobile versions of their sites that are traditionally played in front of a computer screen. What is the interest of playing on a tiny screen ? The main advantage of poker on mobile phone is precisely this mobility. Whether you're, in the subway or in a waiting room, the phone offers a handy distraction. But apart from the small slab, playing on a phone is also binding. The first constraint is the level of application compatibility, so you must have a compatible terminal for all rooms. Then came the network coverage and the variable speed of internet (or even nonexistent). But the evolution of mobile poker haven't finished yet to stop.
Source: Poker 777
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
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