China: More than one hundred establishments of poker and online gambling sanctioned
In China, a large number of offenses that violate the laws relating to Internet games, poker and casino games included, have been registered. The Chinese authorities have decided to wage a struggle against their authors and they carried a master stroke in the community by punishing hundreds of companies involved in the irregularities. Some of them have been forced to close their activity. Moreover, still according to information provided by the Chinese Ministry of Culture, thirty institutions having violated the laws on money transactions have also been identified.
Although this Chinese Ministerial cultural entity seems determined to put a barrier on gambling on Internet, it should be noted that the reports from the local government must be considered and handled with the utmost caution. However, through the introduction of laws attaching to online gambling last year, we can say that China has expressed its willingness to ask and enforce the rules in this area and it points out through these recent measures taken against offenders. Online poker, sports betting, casino games on the internet and virtual money transfers are then present in the crosshairs of the Chinese authorities. The activities of operators working in this field seems to be very restricted then. For example, the "I-Pay China" will now be excluded from the services of Neteller. That was the decision taken by the firm in front of the decision of the authorities' to implement government policies.
Source: Poker 777
Thursday, 08 April 2010
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