Cash game: Italian lawyers authorized the practice
As a logical consequence of the fact that Italy is the first country that started out in online games and poker on Internet since 2008, the text on the regulation of casino games and poker cash game is awaited finally to be published by the Italian game authority. This new law allows authorized gambling operators to launch new offers. It is an event that will mark in vividly the history of the gaming market in Europe for this year 2010. The financial impact for this purpose are evaluated at 5 billion Euro. The introduction of gaming operators on the Italian market is therefore encouraged, especially that they will be allowed to become established and equipped in one of the countries belonging to the European economic community and even in any country as long as it is linked to Italy through bilateral agreements on games. It is for example the case of Alderney and the Isle of Man.
Clearly, licensed operators will not have to overcome the Italian gaming taxes, their only obligation is to pay local taxes. The competent authorities shall issue the decree in question in the months that follow. The race to create new offerings for online gambling operators already in service is then launched and everyone wish to have a good position in this vast area that represents the market for casino games and cash games in Italy. For their part, new investors are taking into account these new regulations in their strategies.
Source: Poker 777
Tuesday, 06 April 2010
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