Amateur Poker : Poker Club 05 winner of the CNEC
The city of Brest, in France had hosted this weekend the final of the National Team Club Championship (CNEC) of poker. In all, this qualification has brought together 120 regional clubs coming from all of the corner of France. After the first round, the Club of Charles, which is none other than the team of the Vice-Presidents of « Club of Clubs » realize a good party. But other clubs didn't let it go easily because each of them did not make the trip for nothing. It is finally another club originally from Gap called "Poker Club 05" which was crowned champion at the last round.
During each round, Poker Club 05 was always found in the top three ranking. It won the final with 7 dots ahead of Haillan Poker Tour, which picks up a second consecutive title of vice champion of France. In the third place, we found the Paloise Association of Poker followed by Saint Aub Poker Club and Bourges Poker Club which are both 4th tie. The trophy will cross France because the title came back last year to a club in La Rochelle. Although some participants were cynical about the structure of the tournament, everyone agreed that the quality of the organization and the atmosphere were exceptional. The event was a success even if it is only in its second edition.
Source: Poker 777
Friday, 19 March 2010
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